What is computer | What is meaning of computer | How to work of computer


What is mean of computer

A PC is a machine or gadget that performs procedures, figuring and activities dependent on guidelines given by a product or equipment program. It is intended to execute applications and gives an assortment of arrangements by consolidating incorporated equipment and programming parts.

A computer is made up of multiple parts and components that facilitate user functionality. A computer has two primary categories:

  • Hardware: Physical structure that houses a computer's processor, memory, storage, communication ports and peripheral devices
  • Software: Includes operating system (OS) and software applications

A PC works with programming programs that are sent to its basic equipment design for perusing, elucidation and execution. PCs are characterized by registering power, limit, size, portability and different components, as PCs (PC), personal computers, smart phones, handheld PCs and gadgets, centralized servers or supercomputers

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